
We’ll have prizes for both men’s and women’s divisions for Freeride, and an open division for Slalom.  We’ll also have prizes for junior divisions in both Freeride and Slalom (ages 16 & under).  In the men’s and women’s Freeride divisions, if we have six (6) or more competitors, we’ll increase the value of the Thuro gift certificates (shown below).

Men’s Division

Place Prize – If five (5) or less skaters compete Prize – If six (6) or more skaters compete
1st $100 Thuro Skate Shop gift certificate $150 Thuro gift certificate
2nd $60 Thuro Skate Shop gift certificate $100 Thuro gift certificate
3rd $40 Thuro Skate Shop gift certificate $60 Thuro gift certificate

Women’s Division

— Same prizes as men’s division —

Junior Division

Place Prize
1st Serfas USL-6 Thunderbolt Head Light
2nd Planet Bike Superflash Micro Rechargeable Tail Light
3rd Rollerblade Skate Bag

Slalom Contest

Open Division

Place Prize
1st $100 Thuro Skate Shop gift certificate
2nd Rollerblade Urban Backpack

Junior Division

Place Prize
1st JBL GO Bluetooth speaker
2nd Powerslide Freeskating Glow in the dark cones